Do you want to gain unshakable self-confidence?
Get your copy of my ultimate workbook and learn how to
- consciously create the best version of yourself
- shift your mind from your harshest critic to your most supportive ally
- embody a sense for your unique strengths, qualities, desires, and goal
- already live in the energy of your future vision of your best life
- glow and radiate from the inside out
Are you ready?
Get the ultimate Self-Confidence Workbook
What my clients have to say
“I LOVE how tuned in Melanie is. I felt like she was able to feel whether or not what I was saying was at the ‘truest point’ that it could be. She asked clarifying questions and I really appreciated that. […] She was clear, concise, and it flowed so nicely. I am also grateful for the feedback she pointed out about how my mind was perhaps more confident than my body […]. That has stuck with me and there’s a lot of truth behind that I’m sure will unfold.
I really enjoyed being coached by her and felt I got more out of our session together, then I have of most other coaching sessions I did before. Melanie is able to go deep, hold space, and still be gentle. She is a gifted coach and will help a lot of people.”
Casey ( 3 3 ) , Pennsylvania, U S A
“Ich möchte mich bei dir bedanken für deine große Unterstützung beim Diss-schreiben aber auch ganz allgemein beim durch die Welt gehen und klarkommen.
Du hast mir bis hierher so viele kluge Impulse, gute Gedanken, kleine neue Gewohnheiten und hilfreiche Techniken mitgegeben und mich einige Male wirklich toll wieder aufgepäppelt. Du hast wirklich eine ganz besondere Fähigkeit zuzuhören, zu verstehen und Dinge in Bewegung zu bringen.”
Julia (32), Geographin, PhD Canditate, Berlin, Germany
“Melanie’s warmth and receptiveness. I appreciated several things from our sessions, but her capacity to truly listen and pay attention to details of things I would comment and tell her, allowed us to get deeper to the source of my questions and issues. She gave me the time to express my thoughts, comments and feelings (which made me feel it wasn’t just a pure ”coaching” but a true dialogue of getting to know me and understand where I was coming from). Melanie managed to help me literally arrive at the core of my fear for why I haven’t embarked on my biggest dream […] – which I hadn’t faced before or said out loud. She gave me really different and what felt like very powerful tools to work on releasing these and envisioning the positive of breaking through these.”
Raqueli (31), New York, USA
“My year long journey with Melanie has been a road of growth and wonders. I am beyond grateful to have her in my life – a force and source of empowerment, empathy, wisdom and light. As life changes, desires changes, presence articulates- I’ve learned with Melanie that it is possible to move freely with all these streams, developing my own bundle of skills, upgrading immensely my pleasure (in everything), my excess to deeper places in my own inner world, and my belief in myself. Thanks to the work with Melanie, I have enriched every aspect in my life both on the physical level as on the experience level.
I also love how flexible the work frame is – never rigid, only following my own needs, rhythm and content wise. As a woman, an artist and a human being, Melanie is a treasure I intend to hold on to!”
Berlin, Germany
“Thank you thank you thank you. I feel hopeful again now. I have this vulnerable tired feeling that I acknowledge, but I feel that I’m shifting something big. Thank God for the time and space these days to go through processes like this. I feel like I’ll manage now. With some extra help… but at least like I said… feel hopeful again.
It was one of the most intense sessions with after effects I’ve ever had. I’m so grateful.
I am not through with the […] topic but this is like one step closer. Thanks again, Melanie. I am SO grateful for the time you took, because I couldn’t have done it alone and it is super super super meaningful. I am tearing up thinking about it.”
Leipzig, Germany
Institutional Network
I collaborate with many academic institutions such as:
- collaborative research centre CRC 1265 “Re-Figuration of Spaces” inter alia at Technische Universität (TU) Berlin
- collaborative research centre CRC 235 “Emergence of Life” inter alia at Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich
collaborative research centre SFB 1372 “Magnetoreception and navigation in vertebrates” inter alia at Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg
collaborative research centre CRC 228 “Future Rural Africa: Future-making and social-ecological transformation” inter alia at University of Cologne
- collaborative research centre CRC 325 “Assembly Controlled Chemical Photocaralysis” inter alia at Technische Universität München
I am Melanie,

I am passionate about personal empowerment in all areas of life. I help women to feel profoundly safe while taking up space in the world, stepping into their power, and taking lead of their deepest desires. I guide them into taking full responsibility for their life in order to unlock their highest potential.
Unshakable self-confidence, vibrant growth and the sense of being fully alive are very possible risks of working with me.
I am emphatic, deep, curious and 100% committed to my clients individual paths, desires, growth and empowerment.